Steel products for industrial use

The Perfopol production company is extremely popular internationally. We are able to offer our clients, above all, numerous structural elements made of steel, but our offer is much wider. You can count, among others, on rasper meshes, as well as steel mesh, which are created by using different production technologies. Of course, our rich offer also includes steel sheets that are so widely used in various industries. Our numerous customers can also count on products such as, for example, industrial rubber sieves and durable and easy-to-assemble aluminum profiles. Of course, our comprehensive offer may also include services of burning steel sheets and pressing special perforations on their surface. Such perforated sheets, like rasper meshes, are available at very affordable prices. Particularly noteworthy are the aspects related to our offer, such as, for example, the creation of structures from bent and welded pipes. We have highly functional industrial press, which can be used to make any kind of perforation.

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